// Juanpe Bolívar
// https://sinusoid.al



data structures

Modernize your C++
Berlin C++ Meetup, 2015

Part I

The tragedy
of the
value based

mutability ( pass by value copying )

root cause cause problem

const auto v0 = vector<int>{};
const auto v1 = v0.push_back(15);
const auto v2 = v1.push_back(16);
const auto v3 = v2.set(0, 42);

assert(v2.size() == v0.size() + 2);
assert(v3[0] - v1[0] == 27);
immutable data structure

one with all methods
marked const

persistent data structure

old values are preserved

structural sharing
  • no copying
  • compact history
  • fast comparison

a library of immutable data structures


  • idiomatic
    this is C++ not Haskell
  • performant
    cache-efficient, benchmark-driven
  • customizable
    stackable allocators, optional GC, thread-safety

Part II

in search of a magical vector

const auto v0 = array<char>{'a',...,'v'};
const auto v1 = v0;

const auto v1 = v2.push_back('v');
const auto v2 = v2.set(11, 'L');

const auto v0 = list<char>{{'a'}};
const auto v1 = v0.push_front('b')
const auto v2 = v1.push_front('d');
const auto v3 = v1.push_front('e');

Chris Okasaki
Purely Functional Data Structures


Ralf Hinze and Ross Paterson
Finger Trees: A General-purpose Data Structure


Phil Bagwell
Array Mapped Tries. 2000
RRB-Trees: Efficient Immutable Vectors. 2011


Radix Balanced Tree

$M=2^B$ $M=32$ $B=5$ $\left\lceil\log_{32}(2^{32})\right\rceil = 7$

Radix Balanced Search

v[17] 01 00 01 v.set(17, 'R')


$$\text{effective}\ O(1)$$
  • Random access
  • Update
  • Push back
  • Slice right
  • Insert
  • Concat
  • Push front
  • Slice left

Relaxed Radix Balanced Tree


$$\text{effective}\ O(1)$$
  • Random access
  • Update
  • Push back
  • Slice right/right
  • Concat
  • Insert
  • Push front

Radix balanced tree

$$M=2^B$$ $$M_l=2^{B_l}$$
$$ B_l^{\mathit{opt}}(B, T) = \left\lfloor \log_2\left( \frac{\mathit{sizeof}_* \times 2^B} {\mathit{sizeof}_T} \right) \right\rfloor $$

vector<int> myiota(vector<int> v, int first, int last)
    for (auto i = first; i < last; ++i)
        v = v.push_back(i);
    return v;

vector<int> myiota(vector<int> v, int first, int last)
    auto t = v.transient();
    for (auto i = first; i < last; ++i)
    return t.persistent();

vector<int> myiota(vector<int> v, int first, int last)
    auto t = v.transient();
                    last - first,
                    [&] { return first++; });
    return t.persistent();

vector<int> myiota(vector<int> v, int first, int last)
    for (auto i = first; i < last; ++i)
        v = std::move(v).push_back(i);
    return v;

vector<char> say_hi(vector<char> v)
    return v.push_back('h')

Is this fast?

Summing a $10^5$ element vector ($\mu s$)
Ten $10^4$ element concatenations ($\mu s$)
Building a $10^5$ element vector ($\mu s$)
Building a $10^5$ element transient vector ($\mu s$)
Mutating all $10^5$ element vector ($\mu s$)
Mutating all $10^5$ element transient vector ($\mu s$)


Part III

I put a spell on my text editor

Demo time!

handle_key(application state, key_code key, coord size);

int run(const char* file_name)
    auto ui    = tui{};
    auto state = application{load_buffer(argv[1]), key_map_emacs};
    while (auto new_state = handle_key(state, ui.read_key(), ui.size())) {
        state = *new_state;
    return 0;

using index = int;

struct coord
    index row = {};
    index col = {};

using line = immer::flex_vector<wchar_t>;
using text = immer::flex_vector<line>;

struct file
    immer::box<std::string> name;
    text content;

struct snapshot
    text content;
    coord cursor;

struct buffer
    file from;
    text content;
    coord cursor;
    coord scroll;
    boost::optional<coord> selection_start;
    immer::vector<snapshot> history;
    boost::optional<std::size_t> history_pos;

struct application
    buffer current;
    key_map keys;
    key_seq input;
    immer::vector<text> clipboard;
    immer::vector<message> messages;

#1 edit                        S1 
#2 edit                        S1   S2 
#3 edit                        S1   S2   S3 
#4 edit                        S1   S2   S3   S4 
#5 undo                        S1   S2   S3  S4   S5
#6 undo                        S1   S2  S3   S4   S5   S6
#7 edit                        S1   S2   S3   S4   S5   S6  S7 

buffer record(buffer before, buffer after)
    if (before.content != after.content) {
        after.history = after.history.push_back({before.content, before.cursor});
        if (before.history_pos == after.history_pos)
            after.history_pos = boost::none;
    return after;

buffer undo(buffer buf)
    auto idx = buf.history_pos.value_or(buf.history.size());
    if (idx > 0) {
        auto restore = buf.history[--idx];
        buf.content = restore.content;
        buf.cursor = restore.cursor;
        buf.history_pos = idx;
    return buf;

buffer record(buffer before, buffer after)
    if (before.content != after.content) {
        after.history = after.history.push_back({before.content, before.cursor});
        if (before.history_pos == after.history_pos)
            after.history_pos = boost::none;
    return after;

buffer undo(buffer buf)
    auto idx = buf.history_pos.value_or(buf.history.size());
    if (idx > 0) {
        auto restore = buf.history[--idx];
        buf.content = restore.content;
        buf.cursor = restore.cursor;
        buf.history_pos = idx;
    return buf;


programming and
