var _ = require('underscore')
var script = require('../mixco/script')
var c = require('../mixco/control')
var b = require('../mixco/behaviour')
var v = require('../mixco/value')
Mixx script file for the Novation Twitch controller. The script is based on the Mixco framework framework.
This script serves as tutorial for creating scripts using the Mixco framework, but programming directly in JavaScript. Still, we recommend you to try CoffeeScript, since it is a bit of a nicer language.
If you want to modify this script, you may want to read the Novation Twitch Programmer Guide
The Linux Kernel version 3.10 is required to get Novation Twitch detected as soundcard or MIDI device.
First, we have to import the modules from the framework. We use
that the NodeJS require
function. Note that all other NodeJS
modules are usable too when writing your script with the Mixco
var _ = require('underscore')
var script = require('../mixco/script')
var c = require('../mixco/control')
var b = require('../mixco/behaviour')
var v = require('../mixco/value')
When writing a controller script we use the script.register
function to generate and install a script instance in the current
module. The first parameter is the current module as defined by
NodeJS, the second parameter is the JavaScript object with all
the functions and information about our script.
script.register(module, {
The name
attribute is very important, and it has to be
exactly the name of this file without extension. Then the
object contains the meta-data that is displayed to the
user in the MIDI mapping chooser of Mixxx.
name: "novation_twitch",
info: {
name: "[mixco] Novation Twitch",
author: "Juan Pedro Bolivar Puente"
The constructor contains the definition of the MIDI mapping. Here we create all the different control objects and add them to the script instance.
constructor: function () {
Many of the master controls of the that the pre-hear volume, pre-hear mix, booth volume and master volume knobs are handled directly by the integrated soundcard of the controller. We map the rest here.
c.slider(0x08, 0x07).does("[Master]", "crossfader")
Sadly, the buttons Aux, Deck A, Deck B and Pre-hear of the effects and microphone sections are controlled by the hardware in a bit of a useless way, so they do nothing — other than light up when they are pressed.
var ccIdFxBanks = function (index) {
banks = 5
params = 4
ids = []
for (var j = 0; j < banks; ++j)
ids.push.apply(ids, c.ccIds(index + params * j, 0xB))
return ids
c.knob(ccIdFxBanks(0x3)).does(b.soft("[Microphone]", "volume"))
c.ledButton(c.noteIds(0x23, 0xB)).does("[Microphone]", "talkover")
c.knob(ccIdFxBanks(0x0)).does("[Flanger]", "lfoDepth")
c.encoder(ccIdFxBanks(0x1)).does("[Flanger]", "lfoDelay")
c.encoder(3, ccIdFxBanks(0x2)).does("[Flanger]", "lfoPeriod")
c.ledButton(c.noteIds(0x22, 0xB)).does(b.punchIn(-0.5, 0.5))
c.button(c.noteIds(0x54, 0x7)).does(
"[Playlist]", "SelectPrevPlaylist")
c.button(c.noteIds(0x56, 0x7)).does(
"[Playlist]", "SelectNextPlaylist")
scrollFaster = b.modifier()
c.button(c.noteIds(0x55, 0x7)).does(scrollFaster)
c.knob(0x55, 0x7)
.when (scrollFaster,"[Playlist]", "SelectTrackKnob")
.else_("[Playlist]", "SelectTrackKnob")
c.ledButton(c.noteIds(0x50, 0x7)).does(
"[Playlist]", "ToggleSelectedSidebarItem")
this.viewButton = c.ledButton(c.noteIds(0x51, 0x7))
We use a behaviou.chooser
for the PFL selection. This
will make sure that only one prehear channel is selected at
a time for greater convenience. Then, we define a addDeck
function that will add the actual controls for each of the
this.decks = b.chooser()
addDeck: function (i) {
var g = "[Channel" + (i+1) + "]"
var ccId = function (cc) { return c.ccIds(cc, 0x07+i) }
var ccIdShift = function (cc) { return c.ccIds(cc, 0x09+i) }
var ccIdAll = function (cc) { return _.union(ccId(cc),
ccIdShift(cc)) }
var noteId = function (note) { return c.noteIds(note, 0x07+i) }
var noteIdShift = function (note) { return c.noteIds(note, 0x09+i) }
var noteIdAll = function (cc) { return _.union(noteId(cc),
noteIdShift(cc)) }
c.ledButton(noteIdAll(0x0A)).does(this.decks.add(g, "pfl"))
g, "bpm_tap", g, "beat_active")
c.slider(ccIdAll(0x07)).does(g, "volume")
c.knob(ccIdAll(0x46)).does(g, "filterLow")
c.knob(ccIdAll(0x47)).does(g, "filterMid")
c.knob(ccIdAll(0x48)).does(g, "filterHigh")
c.knob(ccIdAll(0x09)).does(g, "pregain")
c.meter(noteIdAll(0x5f)).does(b.mapOut(g, "VuMeter").meter())
var faderfx = b.beatEffect(g, 'roll')
c.ledButton(c.noteIds(0x20+i, 0xB)).does(g, "flanger")
c.ledButton(c.noteIds(0x52+i, 0x7)).does(g, "LoadSelectedTrack")
var redLed = 0x00
var amberLed = 0x40
var greenLed = 0x70
var ledPad = function (ids, color) {
return c.ledButton(ids).states({
on: color + 0xf,
off: color + 0x1
ledPad(noteIdAll(0x17), greenLed).does(g, "play")
ledPad(noteId(0x16), redLed).does(g, "cue_default")
ledPad(noteIdShift(0x16), amberLed).does(g, "reverse")
slipMode = b.switch_()
c.ledButton(noteId(0x12)).does(g, "keylock")
c.ledButton(noteId(0x13)).does(g, "beatsync")
c.ledButton(noteIdShift(0x13)).does(g, "beatsync_tempo")
c.ledButton(noteIdAll(0x11)).does(g, "beats_translate_curpos")
c.ledButton(noteIdAll(0x10)).does(g, "quantize")
var coarseRateFactor = 1/10
var coarseRateOn = b.modifier()
.when (coarseRateOn,, "rate").option(scaledDiff(2)))
.else_(, "rate").option(scaledDiff(1/12)))
c.slider(ccId(0x34)).does(g, "playposition")
c.input(ccId(0x35)).does(g, "jog")
.does(b.scratchEnable(i+1, 128))
.when(slipMode,, "slip_enabled").options.switch_)
for (var j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
ledPad(noteId(0x60+j), amberLed).does(
g, "hotcue_" + (j+1) + "_activate",
g, "hotcue_" + (j+1) + "_enabled")
ledPad(noteIdShift(0x60+j), amberLed).does(
g, "hotcue_" + (j+1) + "_clear",
g, "hotcue_" + (j+1) + "_enabled")
There is no functionality like a slicer in Mixxx, but we reuse these pads for various purposes in this mode.
for (var j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
ledPad(noteIdAll(0x68+j), redLed).does(
"[Sampler" + (j+1) + "]", "cue_preview")
ledPad(noteIdAll(0x6C), greenLed).does(b.spinback(i+1))
ledPad(noteIdAll(0x6D), greenLed).does(b.brake(i+1))
ledPad(noteIdAll(0x6E), amberLed).does(b.stutter(g, 1/8))
ledPad(noteIdAll(0x6F), amberLed).does(b.stutter(g, 1/4))
loopSize = [ "0.0625", "0.125", "0.25", "0.5",
"1", "2", "4", "8",
"16", "32", "64" ]
for (var j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
ledPad(noteId(0x70+j), greenLed).does(
g, "beatloop_" + loopSize[j] + "_toggle",
g, "beatloop_" + loopSize[j] + "_enabled")
for (var j = 0; j < 7; ++j)
ledPad(noteIdShift(0x70+j), greenLed).does(
g, "beatloop_" + loopSize[4+j] + "_toggle",
g, "beatloop_" + loopSize[4+j] + "_enabled")
for (var j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
ledPad(noteId(0x78+j), greenLed).does(
g, "beatlooproll_" + loopSize[j] + "_activate",
g, "beatloop_" + loopSize[j] + "_enabled")
for (var j = 0; j < 7; ++j)
ledPad(noteIdShift(0x78+j), greenLed).does(
g, "beatlooproll_" + loopSize[4+j] + "_activate",
g, "beatloop_" + loopSize[4+j] + "_enabled")
The preinit
function is called before the MIDI controls are
initialized. We are going to set the device in basic mode,
as mentioned in the manual. This means that mode management is
done by the device — this will simplify the script and let
have direct lower latency mappings more often.
preinit: function () {
this.mixxx.midi.sendShortMsg(0xb7, 0x00, 0x6f)
this.mixxx.midi.sendShortMsg(0xb7, 0x00, 0x00)
init: function () {
The documentation suggests to reset the device when the program shuts down. This means that all the lights are turned off and the device is in basic mode, ready to be used by some other program.
postshutdown: function () {
this.mixxx.midi.sendShortMsg(0xb7, 0x00, 0x00)
The scaledDiff function returns a behaviour option that is useful to define encoders with a specific sensitivity, which is useful to correct the issues of the stepped encoders.
function scaledDiff (factor) {
return function (v, v0) {
return (v0 + factor * (v > 64 ? v - 128 : v)).clamp(0, 128)
function scaledSelectKnob (factor) {
return function (v, b) {
return factor * (v > 64 ? v - 128 : v)
Copyright (C) 2013 Juan Pedro Bolívar Puente
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see