{flatten, bind} = require 'underscore'
{issubclass, mro} = require './multi'
{Control} = require './control'
{indent, xmlEscape, catching, assert} = require './util'
require './console'
This module contains the main interface for defining custom Mixxx scripts.
{flatten, bind} = require 'underscore'
{issubclass, mro} = require './multi'
{Control} = require './control'
{indent, xmlEscape, catching, assert} = require './util'
require './console'
First, the register function registers a instance of the class
instance into the given module.
can be either a Script
subclass or an
object definining overrides for name
, constructor
and optionally
and shutdown
. The script instance will be exported as
, and if the parent module is main, it will be executed.
exports.register = (targetModule, scriptTypeOrDefinition) ->
if not issubclass scriptTypeOrDefinition, exports.Script
scriptTypeOrDefinition = exports.create scriptTypeOrDefinition
instance = new scriptTypeOrDefinition
targetModule.exports[instance.name] = instance
if targetModule == require.main
exports.create = (scriptDefinition) ->
assert scriptDefinition.name?,
"Script definition must have a name"
assert scriptDefinition.constructor?,
"Script definition must have a constructor"
{name, constructor, init, shutdown} =
class NewScript extends exports.Script
@property 'name', ->
constructor: ->
Control::setRegistry bind @add, @
constructor.apply @, arguments
Control::setRegistry null
init: ->
@preinit?.apply @, arguments
init?.apply @, arguments
shutdown: ->
shutdown?.apply @, arguments
@postshutdown?.apply @, arguments
special = ['name', 'constructor', 'init', 'shutdown']
for k, v of scriptDefinition
if k not in special
NewScript::[k] = v
Then, inherit from the Script class to define your own controller mappings. These scripts can be used to both generate de XML configuration file for Mixxx and also as the script itself, when properly compiled to Javascript.
To work properly, the script file name must the the same as the class
name but in lowercase, and it must be registered using the
register function — i.e. if you have a script called
, it should be in a file called
, and this file should contain a line
script.register module, MyGreatController
The module
variable is defined automatically by node.js, you do
not have to care about it.
class exports.Script
This is the metadata that is displayed in the Mixx preferences panel. Overide it with your details.
name: "[mixco] Generic Script"
author: "Juan Pedro Bolivar Puente <raskolnikov@gnu.org>"
description: ""
forums: ""
wiki: ""
The name property returns the most derived class name in lowercase, which is how the script instance is registered in the target module, and how the script file should be called.
@property 'name',
configurable: true
get: ->
Use add to add controls to your script instance.
add: (controls...) ->
assert not @_isInit, "Can only add controls in constructor"
@controls.push flatten(controls)...
init: catching ->
@_isInit = true
for control in @controls
control.init this
shutdown: catching ->
for control in @controls
control.shutdown this
delete @_isInit
constructor: ->
@controls = []
In general, controls, behaviours and other entities using the Mixxx environment —the global variables like engine or midi— should access it via this property instead. This improves testability.
engine: (engine if engine?)
midi: (midi if midi?)
script: (script if script?)
The following methods are executed implicitly by register when the script is executed as a standalone application. It can generate the XML file and display some help.
main: ->
for arg in process.argv
if arg in ['-h', '--help']
console.info @help()
if arg in ['-g', '--generate-config']
console.info @config()
help: ->
Mixxx Controller Script
Name: #{@info.name}
Author: #{@info.author}
Description: #{@info.description}
Forums: #{@info.description}
1. Generate Mixxx config:
coffee #{@name}.coffee -g > #{@name}.xml
2. Generate Mixxx script:
coffee -c #{@name}.coffee
config: ->
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<MixxxControllerPreset mixxxVersion=\"1.11.0+\" schemaVersion=\"1\">
#{indent 1}<info>
#{indent 2}<name>#{xmlEscape(@info.name)}</name>
#{indent 2}<author>#{xmlEscape(@info.author)}</author>
#{indent 2}<description>#{xmlEscape(@info.description)}</description>
#{indent 2}<wiki>#{xmlEscape(@info.wiki)}</wiki>
#{indent 2}<forums>#{xmlEscape(@info.forums)}</forums>
#{indent 1}</info>
#{indent 1}<controller id=\"#{@name}\">
#{indent 2}<scriptfiles>
#{indent 3}<file functionprefix=\"#{@name}\"
#{indent 3} filename=\"#{@name}.js\"/>
#{indent 2}</scriptfiles>
#{indent 2}<controls>
#{@configInputs 3}
#{indent 2}</controls>
#{indent 2}<outputs>
#{@configOutputs 3}
#{indent 2}</outputs>
#{indent 1}</controller>
configInputs: (depth) ->
(control.configInputs depth, this for control in @controls)
.filter((x) -> x)
configOutputs: (depth) ->
(control.configOutputs depth, this for control in @controls)
.filter((x) -> x)
The registerHandler method is called during initialization by the
controls to register a handler callback in the script. If id
is not
passed, one is generated for them. When id
is passed, the handler
key is constant and can be queried even before registering the
handler, using the handlerKey method. Otherwise, the handler can
still be known from the return value of registerHandler
_nextCallbackId: 1
registerHandler: (callback, id=undefined) ->
id or= @_nextCallbackId++
handlerName = "__handle_#{id}"
assert not this[handlerName],
"Handlers can be registered only once (#{handlerName})"
this[handlerName] = callback
return @handlerKey id
handlerKey: (id=undefined) ->
if not id?
id = @_nextCallbackId - 1
Copyright (C) 2013 Juan Pedro Bolívar Puente
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.