.. _model: Model ===== The data model design is key in a Lager application. The good news is: changing the design and shape of the data-model in a value-oriented world tends to be easy. However, for this to be the case, it is important that we follow some principles strictly. .. _value-semantics: .. _independence-principle: Value semantics --------------- In the previous section we emphasised that the data-model **must be a value type**. But what is a `value type`_ really? In a purely `functional programming`_ language, like Haskell, everything you name is a *value*. This is, all entities are like mathematical objects: they are immutable and have some definition of equivalence. In a multi-paradigm language like C++, you have both *value types* and *reference types*. Intances of value types define its meaning through the values that they represent, that is why we say, they have *value semantics*. Each instance of a value type has its own copy of a representation of a value, on which we can operate independently. Most of the time, we do not care about the identity of an instance, but about the content, the value, which can be *equal* between instances. *Reference types*, however, reference other mutable objects. The identity of these objects is crucial. We can observe changes to the referred objects through the references. This means that we have to be particularly careful when dealing with reference types. The canonical reference types in C++ are references (``&``) and pointers (``*``). There are many other reference types. For example, iterators of a container are references that point into the container. If we change the container, we can observe the changes through the iterator. Sometimes even, the iterator may become invalid. In C++, instances of value types are not necessarily immutable, only the *value* they represent is. For example, I can mutate a `std::vector`_ through its ``push_back()`` method. Or I can modify a ``struct`` by assigning to its members. Instead, *they are value types because each instance of the type is independent and is a attributed meaning through the values it represent.* This **principle of independence** is highlighted by this code snippet: .. code-block:: c++ auto a = std::vector{}; auto b = a; foo(b); assert(a.empty()); Here we have an instance of an empty ``std::vector`` named ``a`` and copy it into another instance ``b``. Then we call ``foo()`` and finally make an assertion about the state of ``a``. We do not need to know anything about what ``foo()`` does to reason about the state of ``a``. It could have taken ``b`` by reference and changed it, maybe even from another thread---it does not matter. In any case, we can be sure that our assertion about ``a`` holds, because ``b`` is an independent copy of it, so we can not observe any change in ``b`` through ``a``. This frees our mind, allowing us to reason locally about the state of the program. This is fundamental to write correct concurrent programs: we can make sure each thread works on their local copy of the data to ensure the absence of race conditions. .. _value type: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_type_and_reference_type .. _std::vector: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/vector .. _functional programming: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_programming .. admonition:: Spotting reference types In order to avoid them, it is important to be able to clearly identify *reference types*. They are sneaky. For example, ``std::vector`` is a value type only as long as ``T`` is also a value type. Same applies to ``struct``, it is not a value as soon as a member is not. Also, there are some C++ types that behave a bit like values, they seem to be copyable at least---but their copies reference external entities that mutate, and these changes can be observed through all these shallow copies! Here are some examples of such types that shall be avoided in our data-model: * A **pointer**. A pointer has a value, which is the memory location of an object. But we can also use this pointer value to change and observe changes in this memory location. * An **iterator** into a container, as mentioned above. * A **file handle**. The file changes independently and we can use the handle to observe or make changes. The file can even change outside of our program, completely outside of our control. * Most **resource handles** actually. Ids of OpenGL buffers, Posix process handles, etc. Lots of these things look like an ``int``, but they are not, they are a reference to a mutable entity. * **Function objects** that capture references, particularly lambdas with ``&``-captures. **Are pointers always bad?** Not always. For instance, the *implementation* of ``std::vector`` uses pointers internally. But it defines ``operator=`` to ensure the independence principle. Also, Sean Parent shows in his famous talk `"Inheritance is the base class of evil"`_ that given a value type ``T``, a forest of ``std::shared_ptr`` is effectively a value type. However, the ``immer::box`` type from the Immer_ library serves the same purpose with safer and more convenient interface. In the :ref:`performance` section we will cover the power immutability in more detail. In general, the application level data model must never use pointers. It can however use generic container types that encapsulate the pointers and properly deal with the intricacies of defining ``operator=`` as to ensure the independence principle. .. _"Inheritance is the base class of evil": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIhUE5uUFOA .. _immer: https://github.com/arximboldi/immer .. admonition:: Further reading :class: note Value-semantic thinking is a vast topic. Here are some resources that can help you adopt this design mindset: * The book `Elements of Programming`_, by `Alexander Stepanov`_, author of the STL and great thinker on the intersection between programming and math. * The talk `Better Code: Data Structures`_ by `Sean Parent`_, author of the Adobe Source Libraries, famous for popularizing `type erasure`_ for value based runtime polymorphism. * The talk `The most valuable values`_, by `Juan Pedro Bolívar Puente`_, author of this library. In the functional programming realm these ideas are taken much further: * The talk `The value of values`_, and the supporting essay `Values and Change`_, by `Rich Hickey`_, author of the programming language Clojure. * The talk `Denotational Design: from meanings to programs`_, where `Conal Elliott`_, inventor of `functional reactive programming`_ among many other other things, talks about applying mathematical thinking to the design of programs. * The book `Functional Programming in C++`_ by `Ivan Čukić`_, which shows how C++ not only supports value semantics, but the functional programming paradigm as a whole. .. _elements of programming: http://elementsofprogramming.com .. _alexander stepanov: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Stepanov .. _better code\: data structures: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWgDk-o-6ZE .. _sean parent: https://sean-parent.stlab.cc/ .. _the most valuable values: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oBx_NbLghY .. _the value of values: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6BsiVyC1kM .. _values and change: https://clojure.org/about/state .. _juan pedro bolívar puente: http://sinusoid.al .. _denotational design\: from meanings to programs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmKYiUOEo2A .. _functional programming in c++: https://www.manning.com/books/functional-programming-in-c-plus-plus .. _Ivan Čukić: https://cukic.co/ .. _conal elliott: http://conal.net/ .. _functional reactive programming: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_reactive_programming .. _type erasure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGcVXgEVMJg .. _rich hickey: https://twitter.com/richhickey .. _identity: Identity -------- .. image:: _static/identity.png :align: center When writing the model as value types, we soon encounter the problem of dealing with **identity**. Consider an interactive application shows a moving person. This person *changes*, it moves around. Our model would be a *snapshot* of the *state* of this person. But clearly, the *state* of the *person* is different than the person itself: * The **same** person can be in different states, this is, these state values are ``!=``. * Two **different** people can be in the same state, this is, their state values are ``==``. In Object Oriented programming, we normally *identify* a language object with the entity it represents, in this case, the person. The *identity* of the thing is the memory location of the storage for its state. This means that we need to use mutation to deal with the state, that there is only one state per entity at time, that time only progresses in one direction, that change is an implicit construction, that entities can not be dealt with concurrently. Identity becomes an implicit and flaky construction. However, in real life, we deal with identity in an explicit way. That is why people have *names* or *passport numbers*. These are special values, **identity values**, that help us identify people. Identity as such serves a double purpose, solving the forementioned state/identity problems: * *Identity* allows us to recognise *different states* as belonging to *the same entity*. For example, when you show up at different institutional offices, you show your id card to show that these are the same person. * *Identity* allows us to *differentiate* to a specific entity, that might have otherwise similar states. In a room full of people, you can call someone by their full name to refer to a particular person univocally, distinguishing them from the group. Considering this duality, when your program deals with changing entities, you will have to think about the domain of entities as a whole, and give each of those entities a different, explicit, identity value. `Universally Unique Identifiers`_ are a powerful tool to identify entities not only in the running programm, but also across files and machines. Often though, context will allow us to have more lightweight identity values. In some cases, even its index in a vector might suffice. .. _universally unique identifiers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier .. admonition:: References in a value world Consider this data-structure which implements agenda of people with friends in a referential way: .. code-block:: c++ struct person { std::string name; std::string phone_number; std::vector> friends; }; struct agenda { std::unordered_set> people; }; This is not a valid model to use in Lager, because ``person`` and ``agenda`` are reference semantic types. Not only is the identification of memory objects with entities problematic from a conceptual programming sense: there is some extra friction, like having to allocate each person in a separate memory block (instead of having a flat ``std::vector``), and then dealing with the lifetime of those blocks with ``shared_ptr``, ``weak_ptr``, and so on. How do we do references with out pointers then? We use explicit identity values: .. code-block:: c++ :emphasize-lines: 1,7,12 using person_id = std::string; struct person { std::string name; std::string phone_number; std::vector friends; }; struct agenda { std::unordered_map people; }; Now we have decoupled the *identity* (``person_id``) from the *state* (``person``). Whenever we want to know the state for a given person, we can access it through the ``people`` map in the agenda. Whenever we want to refer to a person, like in the list of friends, we use a ``person_id``. We can now have multiple copies of the whole agenda, and compare how a particular person changes as we manipulate it. People are not tied to their representation in memory anymore, so we can be more playful with the data-structures and apply :ref:`data oriented design ` to reach better cache locality and and overall performance! .. _normalization: Normalization ------------- After applying the principle of explicit identity to your program, you might realise this insight: *the data-model of the application starts to look like a data-base!* And you are correct: the model of our application is an in-memory data-base, and the Lager store, combined with reducers and actions, provide a reproducible, logic aware, `event sourced`_ data-store. This means that you can start applying data-base design wisdom to your application, which has been accrued over decades by academics and practitioners. In particular, you may find interesting the notion of `database normalization`_, both the Redux documentation and the Data-Oriented Design book do indeed talk about it: * The `Normalizing State Shape`_ section from the Redux documentation discusses normalization in the context the unidirectional data-flow architecture. * The `Relational Databases`_ section, from the *Data-Oriented Design* book by Richard Fabian, discusses normalization of the in memory model of C++ programs, with special focus on performance. .. _event sourced: https://martinfowler.com/eaaDev/EventSourcing.html .. _database normalization: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_normalization .. _normalizing state shape: https://redux.js.org/recipes/structuring-reducers/normalizing-state-shape .. _relational databases: http://www.dataorienteddesign.com/dodbook/node3.html .. _performance: Performance ----------- One strong concern when applying value-semantics for the data-model of big applications is performance. We encourage passing by value around freely, and storing copies of the model values as needed without much concern. This often rises skepticism from experienced developers with an eye for optimization. For big data-models, isn't that gonna be slow, and even explode the memory usage? Not necessarily. In C++, we normally associate value-semantics, and in particular the :ref:`independence principle`, with deep copying. For standard containers like ``std::vector``, it is the case that whenever we pass by value, a new memory object is created where the whole representation of the value is copied into. This is however not a consequence of value-semantics, but a consequence of mutability! If the object that stores the value can mutate arbitrarily, when passed by value, all of its contents must be copied to ensure that the new object does not change when the original changes. However, if the original object is in some way **immutable**, the immutable parts of the representation can be internally shared accross all the "copies" of the value. This property is called *structural sharing* and makes value-semantics very efficient! In the field of `persistent data-structures`_ we can find many examples of containers designed with the *structural sharing* in mind. Today, we have good implementations of some of these data-structures in C++: * Immer_, **immutable data-structures for C++**. * `Postmodern immutable data-structures`_, CppCon'18 talk about Immer. * `Persistence for the masses`_, ICFP'17 paper on immutable data-structures in C++. .. _immer: https://github.com/arximboldi/immer .. _postmodern immutable data-structures: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPhpelUfu8Q .. _persistence for the masses: https://public.sinusoid.es/misc/immer/immer-icfp17.pdf .. _persistent data-structures: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persistent_data_structure Also, in modern C++ one may often avoid copies altogether by leveraging `copy ellision`_ and `move semantics`_. It is important to familiarize oneself with these concepts. .. _copy ellision: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/copy_elision .. _move semantics: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3106110/what-is-move-semantics In practice, when combining value-oriented design with immutable data-structures, you will find that not only is performance not a problem, but that **your programs are faster**! This is due to the fact that our data-model becomes more compact, with less pointer chasing and better cache locality, and with flatter call stacks and no traversal of forests of listeners, signals and slots.