.. _architecture: Architecture ============ This section gives an overview of the architectural elements of a Lager based application. It offers an introductory tutorial with plenty of pointers into other sections that cover the various topics in more detail. Unidirectional-data flow ------------------------ .. image:: _static/architecture.svg :width: 90% :align: center This diagram represents the architecture of a Lager based application, the so-called *unidirectional data flow architecture*. It is somewhat similar to common representations of `Model View Controller`_, however, there are some fundamental differences: * The *boxes* do not represent stateful objects with their own identity, but **value-types** with deep-copy and logical equality semantics. * The *arrows* do not represent references or aggregation, but **pure functions** that only transform data. There are only two kinds of stateful procedures, the decoupled :ref:`effects `, and the :cpp:func:`dispatch() ` method. We will talk about them later. In the following sections, we will focus on the values types and pure functions that sit at the core of a typical Lager application. .. _model view controller: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model%E2%80%93view%E2%80%93controller .. note:: The diagram above presents the unidirectional data-flow as supported by Lager, but there are proposals. André Staltz gives `a thorough overview`_ on the subtle differences between various instances of the unidirectional data-flow architecture. .. _a thorough overview: https://staltz.com/unidirectional-user-interface-architectures.html Basic example ------------- Let's build a very basic example. For now, it is going to be an interactive application where you can use commands to manipulate a counter. We follow a `value-oriented design`_. we will start by looking at the data we need, in the form of value types. Then we will look at the transformations required. .. _data-oriented-design: .. admonition:: Differences with Data-Oriented Design. Over the last years, we have seen `data-oriented design`_ as a new trend in the C++ programming community aiming to go beyond the object oriented programming paradigm. Like DOD, *value-oriented design* breaks encapsulation in order to separate data and transformations, such that they can be studied explicitly and independently. Often, we end up reaching similar conclusions: we decouple entities from their representation, we treat :ref:`identity ` explicitly, and prefer :ref:`normalized ` data. However DOD is very focused on game development. As such it focuses on performance above all, puting special focus on cache locality and mutation. Maintanibility is not that important is games (at least outside of the engine code) since once a game is released, the next one is started on a blank slate. In contrast, some of us in the VOD camp come from the development of professional desktop software. While performance is also important in this domain, these are decades-old codebases, where intricate document models need persistence with backwards compatiblity, and implement complicated workflows that need to reliably support undo and feel responsive. As such, we focus more on local reasoning, reuse, maintainability and concurrency. .. _data-oriented design: http://www.dataorienteddesign.com/dodbook/ .. _value-oriented design: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oBx_NbLghY Model ~~~~~ The :ref:`model ` is a value type that contains a snapshot of the state of the application. For our example application, something like this suffices. .. code-block:: c++ struct model { int value = 0; }; Actually, we could just have aliased the ``int``, but normally we will have more complicated models with multiple pieces of data bound together in a ``struct``. Actions ~~~~~~~ The :ref:`action ` is a value type that represents something that the user did in the application. Normally, the user can do multiple things. We can use different *structs* to represent the various things that the user can do, then group them together using a `std::variant`_ .. code-block:: c++ struct increment_action {}; struct decrement_action {}; struct reset_action { int new_value = 0; }; using action = std::variant; .. _std::variant: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/variant .. _business logic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_logic Reducer ~~~~~~~ Now that we have defined our data, we need to define the update logic, the :ref:`reducer `. This a `pure function`_ that takes the current state of the world (the model), some external stimuli (an action), and returns the updated version of the world. This would look like this: .. _pure function: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pure_function .. _pattern-match-example: .. code-block:: c++ #include model update(model c, action action) { return std::visit(lager::visitor{ [&](increment_action) { ++ c.value; return c; }, [&](decrement_action) { -- c.value; return c; }, [&](reset_action a) { c.value = a.new_value; return c; }, }, action); } Notice that we take and return everything **by value**. This makes the function *pure*, even though we do use mutation inside the function---these mutations are contrained to local variables. This somewhat reconciles value-oriented design and procedural programming. We focus on the purity of our function interface, but in the implementation, you may choose a more functional or procedural style at your convenience in an idiomatic C++ style. Also, don't be intimidated by that :cpp:class:`lager::visitor`, you can just mentally parse it as a ``switch``/``case`` on `std::variant`_. Wrapping things up ------------------ We have defined the model of our application. Maybe this is a bit overkill for such a small program, but notice the architectural properties of such design: * The model is completely independent of the UI, we have a reusable definition of data and logic that we can use to make different user interfaces. * The core logic is very easy to test. Purity makes this specially true, since updates are not destructive we can compare the inputs with the outputs (the past and the present). This is how a test could look like using the Catch_ framework: .. code-block:: c++ TEST_CASE("counter increment") { const auto old_model = model{0}; const auto new_model = update(old_value, increment_action{}); CHECK(new_model.value == old_model.value + 1); } This ability to make explicit assertions about change also makes advanced testing technices like `property based testing`_ possible. * We can now generically implement :ref:`undo ` and :ref:`time travel`. .. _catch: https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2 .. _property based testing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QuickCheck User interface -------------- We will now provide a very simple command line user interface for our counter application. We can type in the commands **+** (plus sign), **-** (minus sign) and **.** (dot) to *increment*, *decrement* and *reset to zero* the counter respectively. Each time the counter changes, its current value is printed to the terminal. A session could look like this:: current value: 0 +++ current value: 1 current value: 2 current value: 3 - current value: 2 . current value: 0 .. _intent: Intent ~~~~~~ The user interacts with the application by typing characters. Each of these characters represents one command. In a way, each character can be considered *action*. However these actions are specific to the user interface, we need to transform them to the actions corresponding to model operations. There are several ways to do this. Later, we will learn how to :ref:`use effects to dispatch actions as a response to other actions`. However, in our current scenario, a function suffices. We call this function ``intent()``, because it captures the intention of the user, this is, given something that happened in the user interface, it tells us what the user wants to do: .. code-block:: c++ std::optional intent(char event) { switch (event) { case '+': return increment_action{}; case '-': return decrement_action{}; case '.': return reset_action{}; default: return std::nullopt; } } Draw ~~~~ Finally, we need to present the current state to the user. This is the function that renders the user interface. It is a function that only reads the model, and transforms it into a view. This *view* could be represented as a value itself---this is the case in Elm_ or if we use Redux_ in combination with React_. .. _elm: https://elm-lang.org .. _redux: https://redux.js.org .. _react: https://reactjs.org However, if we are using an `immediate mode`_ interface like ImGui_ or ncurses_, we can consider the view a procedure that reads the model and outputs a frame of the UI as a side-effect. This suffices for our purposes now: .. _immediate mode: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immediate_mode_(computer_graphics) .. _imgui: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui .. _ncurses: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ncurses .. code-block:: c++ void draw(counter::model curr) { std::cout << "current value: " << curr.value << '\n'; } .. tip:: In previous versions of the library, the view function used be provided the previous value of the model too. This allowed the view to decide which parts of the view do need to be updated based on the differences between the old and new model values. If this behavior is wanted, it can be simulated by wrapping the view function in a lambda like this. .. code-block:: c++ [prev = store.get()] (auto curr) mutable { draw(prev, curr); prev = curr; } Glueing things together ----------------------- Now we have all the parts that build an application, we can finally put things together. Event loop ~~~~~~~~~~ An interactive application is composed of a main loop. In many UI frameworks, this is under control of the library, following the `Hollywood principle`_. Lager provides hooks such that one can teach the :ref:`store ` how to interact with the :ref:`event loop `. In this case, we will write the main loop ourselves, so we can just use :cpp:class:`lager::with_manual_event_loop`. .. _hollywood principle: http://wiki.c2.com/?HollywoodPrinciple The store ~~~~~~~~~ The main component provided by the library is the :cpp:class:`lager::store`. You make one by providing an action type, the initial model state, the reducer, the event loop interface. The *store* will then provide a thread-safe :cpp:func:`dispatch() ` method that can be used to inject actions in the system. Whenever it receives an action, it will evaluate the *reducer* in the event-loop to update the state, and trigger a redraw. Main loop ~~~~~~~~~ With these components, we can finally implement the ``main()`` procedure of our application: .. code-block:: c++ #include #include int main() { auto store = lager::make_store( model{}, lager::with_manual_event_loop{}); watch(store, draw); auto event = char{}; while (std::cin >> event) { if (auto act = intent(event)) store.dispatch(*act); } } Next steps ---------- In this section we have learnt the basics on how to design an application using Lager and the *unidirection data-flow architecture*. Now you can read further in this user guide: * In the :ref:`model`, :ref:`actions` and :ref:`reducers` section you can learn more about how to design the core of your application. * In the :ref:`effects` section you will learn how to perform side-effects (loading and writing files, talking to a data-base, dispatching new actions) without making the *reducer* impure, and how to do :ref:`dependency injection ` to pass around the associated services. * In the :ref:`modularity` section you will learn how to make complex applications out of smaller components, both concrete and :ref:`generic `. * In the :ref:`views` section you can learn how to integrate different UI technologies with your Lager application. * The :ref:`time travel ` section shows how you can use Lager for time travelling debugging and introspection.